Friday, November 6, 2009

I am still around!!

Just wanted to pop in to say Hi and let you all know that I am still around. Along with a lack of mojo, I have had an enormously busy week and virtually had no time to stamp but things are quieting down so I am hoping to get back to my crafting desk this weekend and have something good for you to see by the end of the weekend. I will definitely  have my Monday LPS post so be sure to come back for that!!

Have a great weekend. Miss you all!!



  1. Hi Ann - I, too have been missing but it's been due to an illness. I'm finally starting to feel better and am making a few blog rounds. Will take me forever to catch up though! Just wanted to let you know I stopped by..hope things slow down and the mojo returns - I just love your creations!

  2. Hi Ann!!! I miss you and your gorgeous creations my friend!! I am glad everything is alright!!

    I left you an award since I don't think that you lack the MOJO girl!! You rock!!

