Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wish on A Scrap Challenge

Hi All, I am busy busy today getting caught up on a couple of challenges. The first challenge I did was the one over at Wish on a Scrap

The design team challenged us to make a card based on "what we wear". So me being the yoga pants and tank top kind of gal I made this bella. Now mind you, I DO NOT have a body like this bella nor do I work out like this bella. (although I have resolved to start to tomorrow), but the stamp seemed to be the only thing close to what I wear. The DSP colors however are me. Greens, greys, blues and black. Thanks so much for looking and head over to WOAS for more deets on the challenge.



  1. Great job on the challenge card =) Thanks for participating!

  2. Sooooo Cute!!! What a great idea!!!


  3. Cute, cute card for the challenge!!! I wish I looked like this Bella too, lol!

  4. Ann I love your card! It's super duper cute! Thanks so much for joining our challenge! Hope you had a lot of fun! Good luck!
    Hugs~ Kim

  5. SO fun! LOVE this Bella and your coloring!
